Podcast Episodes:
- Dr. Mark Bertin on Resilience, Executive Function, and Mindfulness
- Helping Coaches Understand Differently Wired Athletes
- Dr. Sharon Saline on What Our ADHD Kids Wish We Knew
- Kayce Hughlett’s Journey of Her Son’t Drug Addiction
- Inside Eye to Eye’s App for Kids with Learning and Attention Issues, EMPOWER
- A Conversation with ADHD & Autism Parent Coach Penny Williams
- 13-year old Asher Answers Listner’s Questions
- Peter Shankman of Faster Than Normal on the Gifts of ADHD
- Behind the Scenes of I Got This, a New App for Kids with ADHD
- Nutritionist Jill Castle With the Facts About ADHD and Nutrition
- Anders Ronnau Talks About How He’s Transforming ADHD
- Margit Crane Luria on the Myths & Realities of ADHD
- Behind the Scenes of Understood.org
- Asher Talks with David Flink, Founder of Eye to Eye
- A Conversation with Asher about Life with ADHD
- A Conversation with Asher about Diagnoses, Labels, and Stigmas
- Mindful Parenting for ADHD: A Guide for Cultivating Calm, Reducing Stress, and Helping Children Thrive by Dr. Mark Bertin
- The Family ADHD Solution: A Scientific Approach to Maximizing Your Child’s Attention and Minimizing Parental Stress by Dr. Mark Bertin
- What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew: Working Together to Empower Kids for Success in School and Life by Dr. Sharon Saline
- Boy Without Instructions:Surviving the Learning Curve of Parenting a Child with ADHD by Penny Williams
- What to Expect When Parenting Children with ADHD: A 9-Step Plan to Master the Struggles and Triumphs of Parenting a Child with ADHD by Penny Williams
- The Insider’s Guide to ADHD: Adults with ADHD Reveal the Secret to Parenting Kids with ADHD by Penny Williams
- Faster Than Normal: Turbocharge Your Focus, Productivity, and Success with the Secrets of the ADHD Brain by Peter Shankman
- The Survival Guide for Kids with ADHD by John F. Taylor Ph.D.
- Learning To Slow Down & Pay Attention: A Book for Kids About ADHD by Kathleen Nadeau
- The ADHD Workbook for Kids: Helping Children Gain Self-Confidence, Social Skills, and Self-Control by Lawrence Shapiro, Ph.D.
Organizations and Parent Support:
- Understood.org
- Eye to Eye National
- Transforming ADHD
- ADHD Kids Rock
- Own Beat Athlete
- CHADD (The National Resource on ADHD)
Podcast Episodes:
- Dr. Chris Kearney Talks About School Refusal – What It Is, Why It Happens, and How to Handle It
- A Conversation with Author Amanda Stern on Growing Up with a Panic Disorder
- Filmaker Chris Baier on Helping Families Get Unstuck from OCD
- Samantha Cotterill on Her Children’s Book Series, Little Senses
- Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety with Dr. John Duffy
- Helping Coaches Understand Differently Wired Athletes
- Psychologist and Author Dr. Dan Peters (The Summit Center) on Parenting with Purpose and Intention
- Psychologist and Author Dawn Huebner Talks About Her New Book “Outsmarting Worry”
- Karen Young of Hey Sigmund Talks About Anxiety in Kids
- A Conversation with Melissa Wardy About Raising Anxious Kids
- Carol Kranowitz Talks About Sensory Processing Disorder
- Coach and Author Andrea Owen on Raising Her Differently Wired Son
- One Mother’s Radical, Nature-Based Approach to Helping Her Daughter Live with Anxiety
- Understanding and Combatting Negative Stigmas Associated with Neurological Differences, with Ann Douglas
- The Out-of-Sync Child by Carol Kranowitz and Lucy Jane Miller
- The Out-of-Sync Child Has Fun by Carol Kranowitz
- Hey Warrior by Karen Young
- Raising a Sensory Smart Child: The Definitive Handbook for Helping Your Child with Sensory Processing Issues by Lindsey Biel
- What to Do When You Worry Too Much: A Kid’s Guide to Overcoming Anxiety (What to Do Guides for Kids) by Dawn Huebner
- Helping Your Anxious Child: A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents by Ronald Rapee et al
- Make Your Worrier a Warrior: A Guide to Conquering Your Child’s Fears by Dr. Dan Peters
- From Worrier to Warrior: A Guide to Conquering Your Fears by Dr. Dan Peters
- Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety: A Complete Guide to Your Child’s Stressed, Depressed, Expanded, Amazing Adolescence by Dr. John Duffy
- This Beach is Loud (Little Senses) by Samantha Cotterill
- Nope. Never. Not for Me! (Little Senses) by Samantha Cotterill
- Can I Play Too? (Little Senses) by Samantha Cotterill
- Little Panic: Dispatches from an Anxious Life by Amanda Stern
- Dr. Kearney’s books on school refusal
Organizations and Parent Support:
- Star Institute for Sensory Processing Disorder
- Sensory Processing Disorder
- Summit Center
- Own Beat Athlete
- International OCD Foundation
- UNLV Child School Refusal and Anxiety Disorders Clinic
- Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
Podcast Episodes:
- Jennifer Cook on Asperkids, Girls on the Spectrum, and More
- A Conversation with Autism and Neurodiversity Support Specialist Kristy Forbes
- 12-Year Old Rylan on Growing Up with Tourettes and Autism
- A Conversation with Dr. Melissa Neff About PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance)
- Barry Prizant Talks About His Book “Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism
- A Conversation with ADHD and Autism Parent Coach Penny Williams
- A Single Mom’s Story of Taking a Leap of Faith
- Julie George Talks About Girls on the Autism Spectrum
- Angela Santomero on How Children Can Learn Social and Emotional Skills Through Preschool TV
- Understanding and Combatting Negative Stigmas Associated with Neurological Differences, with Ann Douglas
- A Conversation with Asher about Diagnoses, Labels, and Stigmas
- Asperger’s and Girls: World-Renowned Experts Join Those with Asperger’s Syndrome to Resolve Issues That Girls and Women Face Every Day! by Tony Attwood, et al
- Girls Growing Up on the Autism Spectrum: What Parents and Professionals Should Know About the Pre-teen and Teenage Years by Shana Nichols
- Aspergirls: Empowering Females with Asperger Syndrome by Rudy Simone
- Parenting Girls on the Autism Spectrum: Overcoming the Challenges and Celebrating the Gifts by Eileen Riley-Hall
- The Girl With The Curly Hair – Asperger’s and Me by Alis Rowe
- The Asperkid’s (Secret) Book of Social Rules: The Handbook of Not-So-Obvious Social Guidelines for Tweens and Teens with Asperger Syndrome by Jennifer Cook O’Toole
- Asperkids: An Insider’s Guide to Loving, Understanding, and Teaching Children with Asperger’s Syndrome by Jennifer Cook O’Toole
- The Asperkid’s Launch Pad: Home Design to Empower Everyday Superheroes by Jennifer Cook O’Toole
- Sisterhood of the Spectrum: An Asperger Chick’s Guide to Life by Jennifer Cook O’Toole
- Autism in Heels: The Untold Story of a Female Life on the Spectrum by Jennifer Cook O’Toole
- The Survival Guide for Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorders (And Their Parents) by Elizabeth Verdick
- Asperger’s Rules!: How to Make Sense of School and Friends by Blythe Grossberg
- Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism by Dr. Barry Prizant
- Understanding Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome in Children: A Guide for Parents, Teachers, and Other Professionals by Phil Christie, Margaret Duncan, Ruth Fidler, and Zara Healy
- PDA by PDA’ers: From Anxiety to Avoidance to Masking to Meltdowns Compiled by Sally Cat
- Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome – My Daughter is Not Naughty by Jane Sherwin
- If I Squeeze Your Head I’m Sorry by Gwen and Rylan
Organizations and Parent Support:
- Asperger Experts
- My Aspergers Child
- Social Thinking
- Aspire4Autism
- International Society for Autism Research
Podcast Episodes:
- Dr. Melanie Hayes Talks About Her Big Minds Micro-School and Educating 2e Children
- The Davidson Institute on Supporting & Educating Profoundly Gifted Children
- Colleen Kessler and Homeschooling Gifted Children
- Debbie Steinberg Kuntz on Easing the Stuggle for Bright and Quirky / 2e Kids
- Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman on Redefining Giftedness and Intelligence
- “The G Word” Filmaker Marc Smolowitz on Giftedness, Equity, and Social Justice
- Julie Skolnick on Supporting 2e Kids in Traditional Schools
- Behind the Scenes of the Resource TECA – Twice Exceptional Children’s Advocacy
- Deb Douglas on Helping Gifted Kids Become Self-Advocates
- Psychologist and Author Dr. Dan Peters (The Summit Center) on Parenting with Purpose and Intention
- Tom Ropelewski Talks About His Documentaries 2e: Twice Exceptional and 2e2: Teaching the Twice Exceptional
- Dr. Michael Postma of SENG on the Plight of Gifted and 2e Kids
- Dr. Gail Saltz Talks About the Power of Different
- Why Homeschooling Can Be a Great Fit for Gifted Kids
- The Connection Between Creativity and Neurodiversity
- Julie George on the Role of Executive Functioning in Differently-Wired Kids
- A Conversation with Asher about Diagnoses, Labels, and Stigmas
- A Parent’s Guide to Gifted Children by James T. Webb
- Parenting Gifted Kids: Tips for Raising Happy and Successful Gifted Children by James Delisle Ph.D.
- Smart but Scattered: The Revolutionary “Executive Skills” Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential by Peg Dawson and Richard Guare
- The Survival Guide for Gifted Kids: For Ages 10 and Under by Judy Galbraith
- One Mind at a Time: America’s Top Learning Expert Shows How Every Child Can Succeed by Mel Levine M.D.
- The Power of Different: The Link Between Disorder and Genius by Dr. Gail Saltz
- The Power of Self-Advocacy for Gifted Learners: Teaching the 4 Essential Steps for Success by Deb Douglas
- Ungifted: Intelligence Redefined by Scott Barry Kaufman
- Wired to Create: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Creative Mind by Scott Barry Kaufman
- Twice Exceptional: Supporting and Educating Bright and Creative Students with Learning Difficulties by Scott Barry Kaufman
- Exceptionally Gifted Children by Miraca U.M. Gross
- The Third Teacher by O’Donnell Wicklund Pigozzi and Peterson
- Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students: Helping Kids Cope with Explosive Feelings by Christine Fonseca
- Living with Intensity: Understanding the Intensity, Excitability, and the Emotional Development of Gifted Children, Adolescents, and Adults by Susan Daniels
- Off the Charts: Asynchrony and the Gifted Child by Stephanie Tolan
Organizations and Parent Support:
- The Gifted Homeschooler’s Forum
- SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted)
- Hoagies Gifted
- The Davidson Institute for Talent Development
- John Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
- Belin-Blank Center
- Institute for Educational Advancement
- National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)
- Child Mind Institute
Podcast Episodes:
- When School Isn’t Working: A Conversation Between Debbie Steinberg Kuntz and Debbie Reber
- Educator and Community Activist Jason Allen on Differently Wired Students of Color
- Dr. Karen Wilson on How to Know if Your Child is Ready for the Transition to Elementary School
- Dr. Melanie Hayes Talks About Her Big Minds Micro-School and Educating 2e Children
- A Special Conversation with Debbie Reber & Seth Perler for Teachers and School Administrators
- Inside The Flex School with Found Jacqui Byrne
- Dr. Manu Banerjee Gives Us an Inside Look at Landmark College for Neurodivergent Students
- Laura Lemle Shares Her Daughter’s Journey with NVLD
- Educator Kelly Hirt Shares Strategies for “Boosting” 2e / Twice Exceptional Kids
- Advocating for School Success for Kids with Special Needs with Rich Weinfeld
- Debbie Steinberg Kuntz on Easing the Stuggle for Bright and Quirky / 2e Kids
- Susan Shenk on Using Technology to Support Learning Differences
- A Conversation with Elisheva Schwartz of The Dyslexia Quest
- Inside Eye to Eye’s App for Kids with Learning and Attention Issues, EMPOWER
- Elizabeth Hamblet on Navigating the High School to College Transition with Differently Wired Kids
- A Conversation with Executive Function Coach Seth Perler
- One Mother’s Story of Raising a 2e Daughter with Learning Differences
- Heidi Nord on the Challenges and Gifts of Dyslexia
- Slow Processing Speed: What it Is and How to Support Kids Who Have It, with Dr. Ellen Braaten
- Behind the Scenes of Understood.org
- Amberlynn Slavin Talks About Her App for Kids with Dyslexia and Dysgraphia, SnapType
- Asher Talks with David Flink of Eye to Eye National
- The Alphabet War: A Story about Dyslexia by Diane Burton Robb
- It’s Called Dyslexia (Live and Learn Series) by Jennifer Moore-Mallinos
- The Dyslexic Advantage: Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexic Brain by Brock L. Eide M.D. M.A. and Fernette F. Eide M.D.
- Overcoming Dyslexia by Sally Shaywitz (Tia says, If you do nothing else, start here in my humble opinion!)
- The Dyslexic Advantage by Brock & Fernette Eide
- The Dyslexia Empowerment Plan by Ben Foss
- I Have Dyslexia. What Does That Mean? by Shelley Ball-Dannenberg (for kids)
- If You’re So Smart, How Come You Can’t Spell Mississippi? By Barbara Esham (for kids)
- A Walk In the Rain With A Brain by Edward Hallowell (for kids)
- School Success for Kids with High Functioning Autism by Rich Weinfeld
- Smart Kids with Learning Difficulties: Overcoming Obstacles and Realizing Potential by Rich Weinfeld
- Helping Boys Succeed in School by Rich Weinfeld
- School Success for Student’s with Asperger’s Syndrome by Rich Weinfeld
- Special Needs Advocacy Resource Book by Rich Weinfeld
- The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives by Ned Johnson & William Stixrud
- Beyond Behaviors: Using Science and Compassion to Understand and Solve Children’s Behavioral Challenges by Mona Delahooke
Organizations and Parent Support:
Podcast Episodes:
- When School Isn’t Working: A Conversation Between Debbie Steinberg Kuntz and Debbie Reber
- Dr. Melanie Hayes Talks About Her Big Minds Micro-School and Educating 2e Children
- The Davidson Institute on Supporting & Educating Profoundly Gifted Children
- Colleen Kessler and Homeschooling Gifted Children
- Dr. Devon MacEachron on “What’s Next?” After Diagnosis
- Inside The Flex School with Found Jacqui Byrne
- Educator Kelly Hirt Shares Strategies for “Boosting” 2e / Twice-Exceptional Kids
- Debbie Steinberg Kuntz on Easing the Stuggle for Bright and Quirky / 2e Kids
- Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman on Redefining Giftedness and Intelligence
- “The G Word” Filmaker Marc Smolowitz on Giftedness, Equity, and Social Justice
- Julie Skolnick on Supporting 2e Kids in Traditional Schools
- Behind the Scenes of the Resource TECA – Twice Exceptional Children’s Advocacy
- Seth Perler on Helping Kids Through Resistance (Part 2, for Parents)
- Back-to-School Special: Seth Perler Talks with Asher About Resistance (Part 1, for Kids)
- Psychologist and Author Dr. Dan Peters (The Summit Center) on Parenting with Purpose and Intention
- Tom Ropelewski Talks About His Documentaries 2e: Twice Exceptional and 2e2: Teaching the Twice Exceptional
- Dr. Michael Postma of SENG on the Plight of Gifted and 2e Kids
- Peter Shankman of Faster Than Normal on the Gifts of ADHD
- Dr. Devon MacEachron on Supporting 2e Learners
- Why Homeschooling Can Be a Great Fit for Gifted Kids
- Julie George Talks About Girls on the Autism Spectrum
- The Role of Executive Functioning in Differently-Wired Kids with Julie George
- Understanding and Combatting Negative Stigmas with Ann Douglas
- A Conversation with Asher about Diagnoses, Labels, and Stigmas
- Smart but Scattered: The Revolutionary “Executive Skills” Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential by Peg Dawson and Richard Guare
- Bright Not Broken: Gifted Kids, ADHD, and Autism by Diane M. Kennedy
- Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults: ADHD, Bipolar, OCD, Asperger’s, Depression, and Other Disorders by F. Richard Olenchak et al
- The Mislabeled Child: Looking Beyond Behavior to Find the True Source and Solutions for Children’s Learning Challenges by Brock Eide
- Different Minds: Gifted Children with ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome, and Other Learning Deficits by Deirdre V. Lovecky
- Boost: 12 Effective Ways to Lift Up Our Twice-Exceptional Children by Kelly Hirt
- Exceptionally Gifted Children by Miraca U.M. Gross
- Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students: Helping Kids Cope with Explosive Feelings by Christine Fonseca
- Living with Intensity: Understanding the Intensity, Excitability, and the Emotional Development of Gifted Children, Adolescents, and Adults by Susan Daniels
- Off the Charts: Asynchrony and the Gifted Child by Stephanie Tolan
- Ungifted: Intelligence Redefined by Scott Barry Kaufman
- Wired to Create: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Creative Mind by Scott Barry Kaufman
- Twice Exceptional: Supporting and Educating Bright and Creative Students with Learning Difficulties by Scott Barry Kaufman
Organizations and Parent Support:
- Understood.org
- Eye to Eye National
- 2e Newsletter
- The Gifted Homeschooler’s Forum
- SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted)
- Hoagies Gifted
- The Davidson Institute for Talent Development
- Parents Education Network (San Francisco)
- Belin-Blank Center
- John Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
- Twice Exceptional Children’s Advocacy (TECA)
Podcast Episodes:
- When School Isn’t Working: A Conversation Between Debbie Steinberg Kuntz and Debbie Reber
- Colleen Kessler and Homeschooling Gifted Children
- Educator Kelly Hirt Shares Strategies for “Boosting” 2e / Twice Exceptional Kids
- A Conversation About Unschooling with Self-Directed Learning Advocate Blake Boles
- A Conversation with Melissa Wardy About Raising Anxious Kids
- Debbie Talks About Her Homeschooling Curriculum and Schedule
- Why Homeschooling Can Be a Great Fit for Gifted Kids
- Debbie Talks About the Transition to Homeschooling
- Debbie Talks About Making the Choice to Homeschool Asher
- Asher Talks About His Life as a Homeschooled Kid
- Educating Your Gifted Child: How One Public School Teacher Embraced Homeschooling by Celi Trepanier
- 7 Secrets to Finding the Best Homeschool Curriculum
- Creative Homeschooling: A Resource Guide for Smart Families by Lisa Rivero
- Forging Paths: Beyond Traditional Schooling by Wes Beach
- Free to Learn: Why Unleashing the Instinct to Play Will Make Our Children Happier, More Self-Reliant, and Better Students for Life by Peter Gray
- The Art of Self-Directed Learning: 23 Tips for Giving Yourself an Unconventional Education by Blake Boles
- Better Than College: How to Build a Successful Life Without a Four-Year Degree by Blake Boles
- College Without High School: A Teenager’s Guide to Skipping High School and Going to College by Blake Boles
- Beyond Behaviors: Using Science and Compassion to Understand and Solve Children’s Behavioral Challenges by Mona Delahooke
- The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives by Ned Johnson & William Stixrud
Organizations and Parent Support:
- The Gifted Homeschooler’s Forum
- Khan Academy
- Kurzgesagt YouTube Channel
- Ted-Ed Videos
- Athena’s Advanced Academy
- Crushing Tall Poppies
- Kristi Helgeson (curriculum advisor)
- Life of Fred
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Tilt Parenting, LLC is an educational resource, podcast, consultancy, and community with a focus on positively shifting the way neurodifferences in children are perceived, experienced, and supported, and supporting parents raising differently wired™ kids so these exceptional kids can thrive in their schools, in their families, and in their lives. It was founded by Debbie Reber in 2016.
© 2025 Deborah Reber