Episode 422: Dr. Amy Laurent on Shifting from Emotional to Energy Regulation
Dr. Amy Laurent on Shifting the Conversation from Emotional Regulation to Energy Regulation APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER This is an absolutely fascinating conversation with Dr. Amy Laurent about...
Episode 405: Navigating PDA in America, with Diane Gould and Ruth Fidler
Navigating PDA in America, with Diane Gould and Ruth Fidler APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER In today’s conversation, I’m diving into the much-anticipated book Navigating PDA in America with the co-authors...
Episode 402: How Can I Help My Autistic Child with Low Self-Esteem?
How Can I Help My Autistic Child with Low Self-Esteem? (Listener Question) APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHER In this conversation, parent coach Margaret Webb and I discuss how to help an 8-year-old autistic child...
Episode 381: Does Traditional Therapy Work for Neurodivergent Kids?
Dr. Megan Anna Neff and Dr. Debra Brause on the Complex Relationship Between Traditional Therapeutic Modalities and Neurodivergence APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER This episode has been a few months in the...
Episode 372: Dr. Megan Anna Neff on Self-Care for Autistic People
Dr. Megan Anna Neff on Self-Care for Autistic People APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER Today’s episode is all about self-care for autistic people, and joining me is return guest Dr. Megan Anna Neff of...
Episode 356: Screens & Growing Up Autistic in the Digital Age
Dr. Meryl Alper on Screens and Growing Up Autistic in the Digital Age APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER Many of our kids spend a LOT of time engaging on screens and with technology, and it feels like this is...
Episode 347: Raising a Demand Avoidant Child or Teen, with Casey Ehrlich
Raising a Demand Avoidant Child or Teen (PDA), with Casey Ehrlich APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER I’m happy to be bringing another conversation about PDA to the show, especially as awareness and...
Episode 340: Meghan Ashburn & Jules Edwards on Raising Autistic Children
Meghan Ashburn and Jules Edwards on Autistic Adults, Autism Parents, and the Children Who Deserve a Better World APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER If you're listening to this podcast, my hunch is you’re...
Episode 336: Dr. Megan Anna Neff on Diagnoses and Misdiagnoses
Dr. Megan Anna Neff on Diagnoses and Misdiagnoses (It’s Complicated!) APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER In this episode, Dr. Megan Anna Neff, a clinical psychologist specializing in the support and empowerment...
Episode 335: Parent Coach Amanda Diekman on Low-Demand Parenting
Parent Coach Amanda Diekman on Low-Demand Parenting & Finding Connection with Your Child APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER I got to know Amanda Diekman through her Low Demand Parenting Summit and more...
Episode 330: Donna Henderson & Sarah Wayland on Recognizing Autism
Recognizing Less-Obvious Autism with Donna Henderson & Sarah Wayland APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER With an increase in the number of people receiving a diagnosis of autism in recent years, both among...
Episode 328: Autism Level UP! Co-founders Amy Laurent & Jacquelyn Fede
Autism Level UP! Co-founders Amy Laurent & Jacquelyn Fede on Learning From Autistic Self-Advocates APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER To close out this season, I’m bringing you an interview with Amy...
Episode 317: Neurodivergent Support Specialist Kristy Forbes on Autistic Burnout
A Conversation About Autistic Burnout with Neurodivergent Support Specialist Kristy Forbes APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER I’m honored to kick off the season with a powerful conversation about autistic...
Episode 295: Dr. Gwen Palafox on the Transition to Adulthood
Dr. Gwen Palafox on Supporting & Empowering Neurodivergent Young Adults in the Transition to Adulthood APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYPODBEANSTITCHERMy guest for this conversation is Dr. Gwen Palafox, a psychologist who has been...
Episode 292: Dr. Devon Price on Neurodiversity & His New Book “Unmasking Autism”
Dr. Devon Price and "Unmasking Autism: Discovering the New Faces of Neurodiversity" APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEAN STITCHER I am excited to kick off the new season of the podcast with a fascinating guest who has a...
Episode 277: Robin Roscigno on Neurodiversity-Informed Parenting
AuTeach Founder Robin Roscigno on Respectful and Neurodiversity-Informed Parenting APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEANSTITCHER My guest for today's episode is AuTeach founder Robin Roscigno, a PhD Candidate in Education at...
Episode 273: Katherine May and the Electricity of Every Living Thing
Author Katherine May on Autism, Wintering, and the Electricity of Every Living Thing APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEANSTITCHER When my community speaks, I listen. And it's because of my community recommending today's...
Episode 268: Morénike Giwa Onaiwu on Justice & Intersectionality
Justice, Intersectionality, and Neurodivergence, with Morénike Giwa Onaiwu APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEANSTITCHER This week I'm talking with powerhouse Morénike Giwa Onaiwu about intersectionality and neurodivergence....
Episode 261: How to Motivate Kids & Build Their Stress Tolerance
How to Motivate Kids & Build Their Stress Tolerance, with William Stixrud and Ned Johnson APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEANSTITCHER This week I'm bringing back to the show Dr. William Stixrud and Ned Johnson for...
Episode 256: Autistic Therapist Kate McNulty on Neurodiverse Relationships
Autistic Therapist Kate McNulty on Neurodiverse Couples APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYPODBEANSTITCHERThis episode's topic is a little bit different, but certainly no less interesting, relevant, or helpful. Because no doubt, if we...
Episode 251: Ashia Ray on Raising Luminaries and “Smashing the Kyriarchy”
My guest this week is Ashia Ray, a neurodiversity rights activist and the founder of the Raising Luminaries movement and Books for Littles website. Through these combined endeavors, Ashia curates lists of engaging children’s picture books for parents, teachers, and...
Episode 249: Jessica Lahey on Her New Book “The Addiction Inoculation”
This episode features an important conversation about alcohol and substance abuse. In almost five years of podcasting, I’ve only covered this topic once so far, yet I know this is a pressing issue for parents of differently wired kids as several studies have linked...
Episode 246: What it Takes to Grow Up Safely in Today’s World
This weeks’ episode is a must-listen to if you have a teen, a tween, or will someday have a teen or tween (so yes, pretty much all parents). My guest is veteran prosecutor for the city of Los Angeles, and former troubled teen Jonathan Cristall. Five years ago,...
Episode 237: Dr. Barry Prizant and Dave Finch On Their New Podcast
This week I'm sharing a conversation with Dr Barry Prizant and Dave Finch about their new podcast Uniquely Human, titled after Barry's revolutionary book Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism. Uniquely Human: The Podcast continues the conversation the...
Episode 226: Maria Davis-Pierre on Autism and the Black Community
This week I talk with therapist, coach, speaker, advocate, and author Maria Davis-Pierre. Maria is the founder of Autism in Black, which provides educational and advocacy services to Black parents who have a child on the spectrum, as well as to bring awareness...
Episode 221: Exercise and Mental Health for Kids with ADHD
In this episode, I’m talking with coach, counselor, and author Gabriel Villarreal about the intersection of mental health and exercise for differently wired kids. Gabriel is not just a licensed counselor specializing in ADHD and the owner of LostBoys Strength &...
Episode 205: Jennifer Cook on Asperkids, Girls on the Spectrum, and More
In this episode, my guest is autism advocate, speaker, and prolific author Jennifer Cook. Since being identified as being on the autism spectrum in 2011, in conjunction with all three of her children, Jennifer has become a powerful voice in the world of autism...
Episode 186: Samantha Cotterill On Her Children’s Book Series, Little Senses
In this week’s episode, I’m interviewing Samantha Cotterill, a children’s book illustrator and the author of the book series Little Senses, a collection of books especially for kids on the autism spectrum and/or with sensory issues. When Samantha first reached...
Episode 182: Autism and Neurodiversity Support Specialist Kristy Forbes
My guest this week is autism and neurodiversity support specialist Kristy Forbes of In Tune Pathways. Kristy is the parent of four autistic children, and has an abundance of emotional, practical, and lived experience both working with and raising...
Episode 179: 12-Year-Old Rylan on Growing up with Tourettes & Autism
This is a unique episode as it’s a mother / son conversation about what it's like to grow up with Tourette’s and autism. My guests are Gwen Vogelgang and her son, Rylan. Gwen and Rylan have teamed up to write a one-of-a-kind picture book called If I Squeeze...
Episode 173: Dr. Melissa Neff on Pathological Demand Avoidance
What is Pathological Demand Avoidance in Children? With Dr. Melissa Neff APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHERThis episode is a deep dive into pathological demand avoidance in children (also known as PDA), which is...
Episode 108: Gender Noncomformity and Differently Wired Kids
Dr. Laura Anderson on Gender Nonconformity and Differently Wired Kids APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHERIn this episode of the Tilt Parenting Podcast, we’re going to be diving into a topic I’ve been looking to...
Episode 99: Barry Prizant Talks About His Book “Uniquely Human”
In this episode of the TiLT Parenting Podcast, I have a powerful and thoughtful conversation with Dr. Barry Prizant, one of the world’s leading authorities on autism. Barry is recognized as an innovator of respectful, person- and family-centered approaches for...
Episode 93: A Talk with ADHD & Autism Parent Coach Penny Williams
In this episode of the TiLT Parenting Podcast, my guest is Penny Williams, author of the book Boy Without Instructions: Surviving the Learning Curve of Parenting a Child with ADHD, as well The Insiders Guide to ADHD, and What To Expect When Parenting a Child...
Episode 91: Steve Silberman Talks About His Book “Neurotribes”
Steve Silberman on the Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER My guest this week is Steve Silberman, an award-winning science writer who authored the 2015 book...
Episode 80: 13-year-old Asher Answers Listeners’ Questions
This week's podcast episode is an "Asher Special," in which Asher answers listener questions. In our conversation, we talk about everything from how Asher feels about having ADHD and what helped him get through the difficult transition of moving abroad when...
Episode 79: Coach & Author Andrea Owen On Raising Her Differently-Wired Son
This episode of the TiLT Parenting Podcast features a conversation with a dear friend of mine and fellow mom-in-the-trenches, Andrea Owen. Andrea and I met many years ago through our advocacy work on behalf of teens and young women, and since then, Andrea’s...
Episode 64: A Single Mom’s Story of Taking a Leap of Faith
This episode of the TiLT Parenting Podcast features a conversation with Brandi Stephens, a singe mom raising an autistic daughter who's made some bold choices in her life. In the coming months, I’ll be bringing more episodes featuring parents in the...
Episode 37: Julie George Talks About Girls on the Autism Spectrum
In this episode of the TiLT Parenting Podcast, I bring back to the show Julie George, a behavioral and education consultant who specializes in working with autistic girls. People are starting to recognize that autism presents differently in girls than...
Episode 36: Asher Talks About Diagnoses, Labels, and Stigmas
In this special kid’s POV edition, my 12-year-old son Asher and I have a frank and honest conversation about the topic of diagnoses, labels, and the stigmas associated with diagnoses. I know that Asher has strong feelings about all of these topics and...
Episode 10: Social and Emotional Learning and Preschool TV
Angela Santomero on How Children Can Grow SEL Skills Through Preschool TV APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHEREver wonder about the education value of the shows your kids watch? Curious to know if children can...