Episode 428: ADHD Activist Sarah Templeton on the School-to-Prison Pipeline
ADHD Activist Sarah Templeton on the School-to-Prison Pipeline APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER Today we’re diving into an urgent and often overlooked issue—the connection between ADHD, the school-to-prison...
Episode 403: Substance Use & Neurodivergent Kids, with Brenda Zane
Navigating Substance Use & Abuse in Our Kids, with Brenda Zane APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER Just as technology evolves rapidly, so do the ways drugs are consumed. For parents, it can be tough to...
Episode 395: Marcus Soutra on the State of the Neurodiversity Movement
Where Are We in the Neurodiversity Movement? with Marcus Soutra APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER The movement surrounding neurodivergence has evolved so much since I started Tilt Parenting, which I launched...
Episode 381: Does Traditional Therapy Work for Neurodivergent Kids?
Dr. Megan Anna Neff and Dr. Debra Brause on the Complex Relationship Between Traditional Therapeutic Modalities and Neurodivergence APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER This episode has been a few months in the...
Episode 374: Kim & Penn Holderness on How ADHD is Awesome
Kim & Penn Holderness Talk About How ADHD is Awesome in Love and in Life APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHERI’ve been a longtime fan of Kim and Penn Holderness, who I’ve had a parasocial relationship with for...
Episode 355: Dr. Sharon Saline on Understanding ADHD in Girls
Dr. Sharon Saline on Understanding and Working with ADHD in Girls APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER You may have heard about the “lost generation of autistic women,” which refers to those women whose...
Episode 349: Thriving as a Parent with ADHD, with Elaine Taylor-Klaus
Surviving and Thriving as a Parent with ADHD, with Elaine Taylor-Klaus APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER Today we’re going to be talking about being a parent with ADHD who is parenting neurodivergent...
Episode 336: Dr. Megan Anna Neff on Diagnoses and Misdiagnoses
Dr. Megan Anna Neff on Diagnoses and Misdiagnoses (It’s Complicated!) APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER In this episode, Dr. Megan Anna Neff, a clinical psychologist specializing in the support and empowerment...
Episode 310: Dr. Norrine Russell on RSD (Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria)
What is RSD (Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria)? Dr. Norrine Russell Explains APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEANSTITCHER Have you every heard of RSD or Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria? If not, or if it's on your radar but you...
Episode 300: Executive Function Coach Seth Perler on Back to School
Executive Function Coach Seth Perler on What Is & Isn't Working in School APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEANSTITCHER Today I’ve got a great episode with my friend, executive function coach, and frequent guest of the...
Episode 275: Ned Hallowell on Supporting Their Children with ADHD
Ned Hallowell on How Parents Can Best Support Their Children with ADHD APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYPODBEANSTITCHERToday I'm bringing you my conversation with Dr. Ned Hallowell, a board-certified child and adult psychiatrist...
Episode 261: How to Motivate Kids & Build Their Stress Tolerance
How to Motivate Kids & Build Their Stress Tolerance, with William Stixrud and Ned Johnson APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEANSTITCHER This week I'm bringing back to the show Dr. William Stixrud and Ned Johnson for...
Episode 251: Ashia Ray on Raising Luminaries and “Smashing the Kyriarchy”
My guest this week is Ashia Ray, a neurodiversity rights activist and the founder of the Raising Luminaries movement and Books for Littles website. Through these combined endeavors, Ashia curates lists of engaging children’s picture books for parents, teachers, and...
Episode 249: Jessica Lahey on Her New Book “The Addiction Inoculation”
This episode features an important conversation about alcohol and substance abuse. In almost five years of podcasting, I’ve only covered this topic once so far, yet I know this is a pressing issue for parents of differently wired kids as several studies have linked...
Episode 246: What it Takes to Grow Up Safely in Today’s World
This weeks’ episode is a must-listen to if you have a teen, a tween, or will someday have a teen or tween (so yes, pretty much all parents). My guest is veteran prosecutor for the city of Los Angeles, and former troubled teen Jonathan Cristall. Five years ago,...
Episode 242: Roberto Olivardia on Boys, Body Image, and Eating Disorders
This week is a conversation about boys, body image, and eating disorders. I’m excited to bring back to the show Clinical Psychologist Dr Roberto Olivardia for this important and often overlooked topic. Roberto last spoke with us about sleep challenges with...
Episode 225: ADHD Essentials for Parents, with Brendan Mahan
Today I’m excited to be bringing to the podcast Brendan Mahan, an expert in ADHD and Executive Functioning, and the host of the ADHD Essentials Podcast. As a former teacher and school counselor who also has ADHD himself, Brendan brings to the podcast a powerful...
Episode 221: Exercise and Mental Health for Kids with ADHD
In this episode, I’m talking with coach, counselor, and author Gabriel Villarreal about the intersection of mental health and exercise for differently wired kids. Gabriel is not just a licensed counselor specializing in ADHD and the owner of LostBoys Strength &...
Episode 210: Dr. Roberto Olivardia on ADHD and Sleep Challenges
This episode of the Tilt Parenting Podcast is ALL about sleep! Specifically, sleep challenges in kids with ADHD. My guest is Dr. Roberto Olivardia, a Clinical Psychologist and Lecturer at Harvard Medical School, who specializes in the treatment of ADHD, OCD,...
Episodes 163: Dr. Mark Bertin on Resilience, EF, and Mindfulness
My guest this week is Dr. Mark Bertin, a developmental pediatrician who specializes in the promotion of child development and developmental disorders such as ADHD, autism, and learning disabilities. Mark is also the author of The Family ADHD Solution, Mindful...
Episode 144: Dr. Sharon Saline On What Our ADHD Kids Wish We Knew
It’s been a while since I’ve done a show focused primarily on ADD/ADHD and this is a really powerful one. My guest is Dr. Sharon Saline, a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in working with children, adolescents, and families who are...
Episode 142: Kayce Hughlett’s Journey of Her ADHD Son’s Drug Use
Author Kayce Hughlett's Shares the Journey of Her ADHD Son's Drug Use APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER This episode features is a powerful, heartfelt conversation that I’m honored to share with you. My...
Episode 93: A Talk with ADHD & Autism Parent Coach Penny Williams
In this episode of the TiLT Parenting Podcast, my guest is Penny Williams, author of the book Boy Without Instructions: Surviving the Learning Curve of Parenting a Child with ADHD, as well The Insiders Guide to ADHD, and What To Expect When Parenting a Child...
Episode 80: 13-year-old Asher Answers Listeners’ Questions
This week's podcast episode is an "Asher Special," in which Asher answers listener questions. In our conversation, we talk about everything from how Asher feels about having ADHD and what helped him get through the difficult transition of moving abroad when...
Episode 77: Peter Shankman of Faster Than Normal on the Gifts of ADHD
Today I’m excited to be bringing to the podcast Peter Shankman, a multiple-startup founder, best-selling author, and the creator of Faster Than Normal, a leading ADD/ADHD podcast, focusing on the benefits of being gifted with ADD/HD, which describes who...
Episode 52: Nutritionist Jill Castle with the Facts About ADHD and Nutrition
Nutritionist Jill Castle with the Facts About ADHD and Nutrition in Kids APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER For this episode about ADHD and nutrition, I spoke with one of America’s leading experts in the...
Episode 46: Anders Ronnau Talks About How He’s Transforming ADHD
Coach Anders Ronnau Talks About How He's Transforming ADHD APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER In this episode of the Tilt Parenting Podcast, I talk with Anders Ronnau, a master coach, hypnotherapist, trainer,...
Episode 36: Asher Talks About Diagnoses, Labels, and Stigmas
In this special kid’s POV edition, my 12-year-old son Asher and I have a frank and honest conversation about the topic of diagnoses, labels, and the stigmas associated with diagnoses. I know that Asher has strong feelings about all of these topics and...
Episode 33: A Conversation with 12-year-old Asher About Being a Kid with ADHD
A Conversation with 12-year-old Asher About Being a Kid with ADHD APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHERIn this special kid’s POV edition, my 12-year-old son Asher and I get real about the impact of ADHD in our...
Episode 30: Asher Talks with David Flink, Founder of Eye to Eye
In this episode of the TiLT Parenting Podcast, 12-year-old Asher steps into my role as interviewer and sits down with David Flink, author of the book Thinking Differently: An Inspiring Guide for Parents of Children with Learning Disabilities, and...
Episode 22: Behind the Scenes of the Online Resource Understood.org
One of my favorite parts about producing the TiLT Parenting Podcast is that I get to learn about fantastic resources devoted to supporting parents raising atypical kids in a powerful, tangible way, like Understood.org. Created to give parents...
Episode 14: Margit Crane Luria on the Myths and Realities of ADHD / ADD
This week's episode features a conversation with ADHD coach Margit Crane Luria of Blocked to Brilliant. Margit, who has ADHD herself, brings a powerful perspective to the podcast as a passionate advocate for children and teens with ADHD. Her mission?...
Episode 6: 11-year-old Asher Talks About Handling Frustration
Asher Talks About Ways to Handle Being an Easily Frustrated Child APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHERIn this special kid's POV edition, I share a short conversation I had with my 11-year-old Asher about being...