Bonus Video Transcript Hello! Congratulations for completing the Differently-Wired 7 Day Challenge! I hope that you got something positive out of the challenge and you’re finding ways to implement these tweaks into... Practice Self-Compassion: Day 7 Transcript Two days ago, I asked you to remember that your child would do better if they could. Today’s TILT is the same basic idea, but applied to you as a parent. Because today, and... Explore the Question, “What am I Making This Mean?” Day 6 Transcript Hey there! Today’s TILT is about getting inside your head a little bit, because what I’d like you to do is notice when you are triggered... Memorize This Phrase “My Child Would Do Better if He/She Could:” Day 5 Transcript Welcome back to the Differently Wired 7-Day Challenge! I hope you were able to find a bright spot yesterday…maybe even... Look for One Bright Spot Every Day: Day 4 Transcript You’re halfway done with the Differently Wired Challenge! I hope you’re noticing that these little changes are resulting in some shifts in the way you’re thinking... Proactively Practice Self-Care: Day 3 Transcript I know self-care is one of those buzzwords, but please don’t tune me out. I really want you to hear what I am saying. Because when you’re raising a differently-wired...
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