Look for One Bright Spot Every Day: Day 4 Transcript
You’re halfway done with the Differently Wired Challenge! I hope you’re noticing that these little changes are resulting in some shifts in the way you’re thinking and feeling, and hopefully, that it’s changing your dynamic with your child as a result.
Today’s TILT is one of my favorites – it’s to look for one bright spot every day. And by bright spot, I mean just what it sounds like…one positive thing in relation to your child. Your bright spot might be your child brushing her teeth without a battle or noticing that she had a positive interaction with another child at school. Or maybe it’s realizing that your child’s meltdown recovery time has lessened in recent weeks. Maybe it’s even as simple as getting to spend a few minutes of cuddle time while reading a book together. Again, this is personal to you.
Depending on what’s going on with your child at the moment, this might be a really easy TILT or it might be really, really hard.
Regardless, embracing this TILT can be a game-changer. It got me through some of the roughest patches in my life with Asher. Because when we consciously look for the growth and beauty in who our child is, our energy becomes rooted in love and hope rather than concern or fear.
Your Challenge
To recognize one bright spot today and every day for the rest of the challenge, and then capture it in some way, whether you make note of it in your Differently Wired 7 Day Challenge workbook or take a picture that represents it or maybe you just tell someone about. And that’s it! Enjoy finding the bright spots, and I’ll see you tomorrow!
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Tilt Parenting, LLC is an educational resource, podcast, consultancy, and community with a focus on positively shifting the way neurodifferences in children are perceived, experienced, and supported, and supporting parents raising differently wired™ kids so these exceptional kids can thrive in their schools, in their families, and in their lives. It was founded by Debbie Reber in 2016.
© 2025 Deborah Reber