Episode 225: ADHD Essentials for Parents, with Brendan Mahan

Episode 225: ADHD Essentials for Parents, with Brendan Mahan

Today I’m excited to be bringing to the podcast Brendan Mahan, an expert in ADHD and Executive Functioning, and the host of the ADHD Essentials Podcast. As a former teacher and school counselor who also has ADHD himself, Brendan brings to the podcast a powerful...
Episode  221: Exercise and Mental Health for Kids with ADHD

Episode 221: Exercise and Mental Health for Kids with ADHD

In this episode, I’m talking with coach, counselor, and author Gabriel Villarreal about the intersection of mental health and exercise for differently wired kids. Gabriel is not just a licensed counselor specializing in ADHD and the owner of LostBoys Strength &...
Episode 215: Dr. Christine Carter on The New Adolescence

Episode 215: Dr. Christine Carter on The New Adolescence

This episode is all about the challenge of raising teenagers in today’s world. But it’s not all doom and gloom, I promise! I’m especially excited about this interview, because my guest, Dr. Christine Carter, believes raising teens today need not be something for...