Episode 425: How Can I “De-Motivate” My Teen From Risky Behaviors?
How Can I “De-Motivate” My Teen From Engaging in Risky Behaviors? (Listener Question) APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHER In this conversation, Zach and I talk about how to navigate the issue of a 17-year-old with ADHD...
Episode 423: Cathy Adams on Navigating the Complexities of Raising Daughters
Cathy Adams on Navigating the Complexities of Raising Daughters APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER We’re diving into a complex and nuanced topic—raising daughters in today’s world. Joining me for this...
Episode 415: How Can I Navigate My Children’s Chaotic Energy at Bedtime?
How Can I Navigate My Children’s Chaotic Energy at Bedtime?(Listener Question) APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHER In this Parent Lean in episode, Margaret and I answer the following question from a listener: I need...
Episode 408: Leslie Martino on Learning Through the Joy of Slow
Leslie Martino on Sparking Kids' Learning Through the Joy of Slow APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER As a parent of a neurodivergent child, you’ve probably had to let go of the traditional timelines we’re often...
Episode 406: How Do I Talk With My Child About a New Autism Diagnosis?
How Do I Talk With My Child About a New Autism Diagnosis? (Listener Question) APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHER In this episode, Zach and I tackle a listener’s question: How do I talk with my child and let them know...
Episode 404: Sara Olsher on Walking Children Through Hard Seasons of Life
Sara Olsher on Walking Children Through Hard Seasons of Life APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER Everyone faces big, difficult challenges at some point in life — it's part of being human. And when we encounter...
Episode 402: How Can I Help My Autistic Child with Low Self-Esteem?
How Can I Help My Autistic Child with Low Self-Esteem? (Listener Question) APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHER In this conversation, parent coach Margaret Webb and I discuss how to help an 8-year-old autistic child...
Episode 400: Michele Turk on Parenting a Child with Tourette’s Syndrome
Michele Turk’s Journey of Parenting a Child with Tourette’s Syndrome APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER There is a lot of misinformation and stigma around neurodivergence that can create extra barriers and...
Episode 398: How to Respond to a Teen’s Impulsive Behavior
How Should I Respond to My Teen's Impulsive & Disruptive Behavior? (Listener Question) APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHER In this episode, executive function coach Seth Perler and I talk about how to best respond...
Episode 394: How Can I Help My Child Be More Flexible & Less Argumentative
How Can I Help My Child Be More Flexible & Less Argumentative? (Listener Question) APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHER In this Parent Lean-In episode, I team up with educator Zach Morris to tackle a listener's...
Episode 390: How to Get More Support from a Developmental Pediatrician
How Can We Improve Communication & Get Better Support from Our Developmental Pediatrician? (Listener Question) APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHER In this conversation, parent coach and author Margaret Webb joins...
Episode 386: Debbie Reber on Restoring, Recharging & “Me Time”
Debbie Reber on How She Restores, Recharges, and Finds "Me Time" (Parent Lean-In) APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHER In this Parent Lean-In episode, Debbie answers a listener’s question about how she restores,...
Episode 385: On Homeschooling & Thinking Differently About Learning
Angela Sizer and Maren Goerss on Homeschooling & Thinking Differently About Learning APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER Many parents of neurodivergent kids end up homeschooling at some point or another, for...
Episode 383: Kristina Kuzmic Debunks the Lies That Keep Parents Stuck
Kristina Kuzmic Debunks “Parenting Truths” That Keep Parents Stuck and in Crisis Mode APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER As parents, we want more than anything to help our kids thrive, to protect them from pain...
Episode 382: Supporting EF Challenges While Encouraging Autonomy
How Can I Scaffold a Teen With EF Challenges While Encouraging Autonomy? (Listener Question) APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHER In this episode, Debbie and Seth discuss how parents can balance the concepts from the...
Episode 379: Should Our Family Move Closer to Nature?
Should We Move to Give Our Children Better Access to Nature? (Listener Question) APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHERParent coach and neurodiversity expert Zach Morris joins me to tackle a listener's question about...
Episode 378: Julie Bogart on Helping Kids Become Critical Thinkers
Julie Bogart on Helping Kids Become Critical Thinkers APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER In a world overflowing with information and complexity, critical thinking isn't just a useful skill; it's an essential...
Episode 377: How Can I Ethically Respond to an Aggressive Child?
How Can I Ethically Respond to an Aggressive Child? (Listener Question) APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHER In this episode, parenting coach Margaret Webb joins me to answer a listener's question about how to handle...
Episode 376: What No One Tells You About Parenting a Disabled Child
Kelley Coleman on Everything No One Tells You About Parenting a Disabled Child APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER Have you ever felt paralyzed by all the “stuff” involved in charting a path and advocating for...
TPP 375: Help! How Can We Make Family Vacations Work?
How Can We Go on Vacation When it Throws Off My Child's Need for Routine APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHER In this Parent Lean-In episode Debbie answers a listener’s question about how to travel and navigate...
Episode 374: Kim & Penn Holderness on How ADHD is Awesome
Kim & Penn Holderness Talk About How ADHD is Awesome in Love and in Life APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHERI’ve been a longtime fan of Kim and Penn Holderness, who I’ve had a parasocial relationship with for...
Episode 373: How Can I Prepare My Child for the Transition to Middle School?
How Can I Prepare My Child for the Transition to Middle School? APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHERIn this episode featuring a listener question, executive function coach Seth Perler joins Debbie to discuss how to...
Episode 371: My Young Adult Isn’t Taking Steps to Reach His Goals
What Should I Do When My Young Adult Isn't Taking Steps to Reach His Goals? APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHERIn this episode, parent coach Zach Morris joins Debbie to discuss a question from a listener who is seeking...
Episode 369: Help! My Child Struggles with Games & Competition
Help! My Child Struggles with Games & Competition (Listener Question) t>APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHERIn this episode, parent coach Margaret Webb joins Debbie to discuss a question from a listener whose son...
Episode 361: Margaret Webb and the Hero’s Journey in Parenting
Parent Coach Margaret Webb on Archetypes and the Hero's Journey in Parenting APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER Margaret Webb is joining me to talk about her much anticipated book, Hero’s Journey in Parenting:...
Episode 358: Dr. Maureen Petersen on Parenting a Child with Chronic Illness
Dr. Maureen Petersen on Finding Peace in Parenting a Child with Chronic Illness APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER Overwhelm, sadness, guilt, stress, and exhaustion are common experiences for parents raising...
Episode 357: Parenting At the Intersections of Race and Neurodivergence
Jaya Ramesh & Priya Saaral on Parenting at the Intersections of Race and Neurodivergence APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER We’ve talked a lot about advocating for our children on the show, but today, we...
Episode 347: Raising a Demand Avoidant Child or Teen, with Casey Ehrlich
Raising a Demand Avoidant Child or Teen (PDA), with Casey Ehrlich APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER I’m happy to be bringing another conversation about PDA to the show, especially as awareness and...
Episode 340: Meghan Ashburn & Jules Edwards on Raising Autistic Children
Meghan Ashburn and Jules Edwards on Autistic Adults, Autism Parents, and the Children Who Deserve a Better World APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER If you're listening to this podcast, my hunch is you’re...
Episode 338: How to Find Therapeutic Programs, with Sue Scheff
When Home Isn’t Working: How to Find Therapeutic Programs, with Sue Scheff APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER The focus of this episode is how to find the right program if / when you realize your child is in...
Episode 335: Parent Coach Amanda Diekman on Low-Demand Parenting
Parent Coach Amanda Diekman on Low-Demand Parenting & Finding Connection with Your Child APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER I got to know Amanda Diekman through her Low Demand Parenting Summit and more...
Episode 333: Post-High School Alternative Paths for Differently Wired Kids
David Marcus on Post-High School Alternative Paths for Differently Wired Kids APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER In this week’s episode we’re talking about what we often call in the neurodivergent space long...
Episode 320: Dr. Karen Wilson on Telling Kids About Their Diagnosis
Dr. Karen Wilson on How (and When) to Tell Kids About Their Diagnosis APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER One of the topics that comes up a lot in the Tilt community is how, and when (and if), we should tell...
Episode 314: Dr. Abigail Gewirtz on Finding Hope in Challenging Times
Dr. Abigail Gewirtz on Helping Kids Find Hope & Optimism in the Most Challenging Times APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYPODBEANSTITCHERSince my guest for today’s episode, Dr. Abigail Gewirtz, was on the show just over two years...
Episode 312: Todd Adams on How Dads Can Better Show Up for Their Families
Todd Adams on Dads, the "Man Box", and How Men Can Better Show Up for Their Kids and Families APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEAN STITCHER This episode explores the subject of vulnerability, male culture, and parenting...
Episode 307: Eliza Fricker Talks About Parenting a Child with PDA
Eliza Fricker Talks About Parenting a Child with PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance) APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEAN STITCHER On today’s episode I’m talking with Eliza Fricker about parenting a child with PDA or...
Episode 301: Navigating Big Transitions with Differently Wired Kids
Debbie Reber on Navigating Big Life Transitions with Differently Wired Kids APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEANSTITCHER I haven’t done a solocast in a while, but when you talk, I listen, and this topic has been requested by...
Episode 291: Laura Jackson’s Family’s Journey of Discovering Dyscalculia
What is Dyscalculia? Parent Advocate Laura Jackson Talks About her Family's Journey with a Math Disability APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYPODBEANSTITCHERWhat is dyscalculia? If you're wondering if your child has this often...
Episode 288: Natasha Daniels Talks About Anxiety and OCD in Kids
Natasha Daniels Talks About Anxiety and OCD in Kids APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEANSTITCHER Many members of the Tilt community requested that I bring child anxiety and OCD therapist Natasha Daniels onto the show, so...
Episode 259: Getting Aligned Through Parenting and Marriage Challenges
Getting Aligned Through Parenting and Marriage Challenges, with Zen Parenting's Cathy and Todd Adams APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEANSTITCHER One of the topics most requested for this show is how to work through...
Episode 212: Fostering Cultures of Respect & Justice in Schools
This episode is a replay from the first year of this show. But it’s such an important conversation for us to be having right now in this moment in time as we as a country, and a world, are confronting issues of race and bias and injustice for people...
Solocast on Parenting Differently Wired Kids Through a Pandemic
About Debbie: Debbie Reber, MA, is a parenting activist, New York Times bestselling author, podcast host, and the founder of Tilt Parenting. A regular contributor to Psychology Today and ADDitude Magazine, Debbie’s newest book is Differently Wired: The Parents’...
A Special Episode on Parenting in the Age of the Coronavirus
Last night, I participated in an important webinar (March 15, 2020) all about parenting in the age of coronavirus. The webinar got put together pretty quickly…yesterday early afternoon I was on a call with Julie Lythcott-Haims, author of How to Raise an Adult,...
Episode 197: Dayna Abraham Helps Parents Calm the Chaos
My guest this week is Dayna Abraham, founder of the popular blog Lemon Lime Adventures and author of The Superkids Activity Guide to Conquering Every Day. As a former teacher and as a differently wired mom of a differently wired kiddo, Dayna is passionate about...
Episode 193: Filmmaker Chris Baier Helps Families Get Unstuck from OCD
In this episode of the TiLT Parenting Podcast, I’m bringing you a conversation with writer and filmmaker Chris Baier, whose experience as the parent of a teen with with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder inspired him to produce the film UNSTUCK: an OCD kids movie. ...
Episode 186: Samantha Cotterill On Her Children’s Book Series, Little Senses
In this week’s episode, I’m interviewing Samantha Cotterill, a children’s book illustrator and the author of the book series Little Senses, a collection of books especially for kids on the autism spectrum and/or with sensory issues. When Samantha first reached...
Episode 182: Autism and Neurodiversity Support Specialist Kristy Forbes
My guest this week is autism and neurodiversity support specialist Kristy Forbes of In Tune Pathways. Kristy is the parent of four autistic children, and has an abundance of emotional, practical, and lived experience both working with and raising...
Episode 179: 12-Year-Old Rylan on Growing up with Tourettes & Autism
This is a unique episode as it’s a mother / son conversation about what it's like to grow up with Tourette’s and autism. My guests are Gwen Vogelgang and her son, Rylan. Gwen and Rylan have teamed up to write a one-of-a-kind picture book called If I Squeeze...
Episode 169: Colleen Kessler and Homeschooling Gifted Children
If you have a gifted or 2e child that maybe you’re homeschooling or you’re considering homeschooling, you may already know about my guest for this episode, Colleen Kessler. Colleen is a mom, teacher, author, speaker and founder of the website Raising Lifelong...
Episode 165: Stories of People Discovering Their Neurodivergence as Adults
This episode is the second in a two-part series about parents who are diagnosed with some kind of neurodifference as adults, and often as a result of discovering their child’s neurodivergence. If you haven’t heard it yet, in last week’s episode, I talked with...