Today’s episode covers a topic that is both new to the podcast and often shrouded in confusion and controversy—Oppositional Defiant Disorder, or ODD. To shed some light on this topic, my guest is Amelia Bowler, a writer, teacher, mother, and behavior analyst with a...
Today I’m excited to be bringing to the podcast Brendan Mahan, an expert in ADHD and Executive Functioning, and the host of the ADHD Essentials Podcast. As a former teacher and school counselor who also has ADHD himself, Brendan brings to the podcast a powerful...
We’ve been talking a lot on the podcast about the current pandemic and all the ways it might be affecting our kids, and how to support and help them through it. But today, my fellow parents in the trenches, it’s time to talk about US. I’ve heard from many of you in...
This week I talk with Meghan Leahy, a certified parent coach, parenting columnist for The Washington Post, and former school counselor and teacher. As mother to three young children herself, Meghan considers herself to be a “heart-centered parent coach in a...
This episode is all about the challenge of raising teenagers in today’s world. But it’s not all doom and gloom, I promise! I’m especially excited about this interview, because my guest, Dr. Christine Carter, believes raising teens today need not be something for...
This week I’m talking to the author of the new book When the World Feels Like a Scary Place: Essential Conversations for Anxious Parents and Worried Kids, which seems like the exact right book for this exact time in the world. I wanted to have a very practical...
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