I get a lot of questions emailed to me about parenting and supporting our awesome kids, and while I would love to respond to every single one, it’s just not possible or I would spend all of my time replying to emails.

So I’ve decided to record periodic solocast episodes where I answer some of the common questions I get from people in the Tilt community. And as part of that, I feel compelled to include a disclaimer — and that is to say that I don’t have the answers to everything and all problems. Obviously I am in this with you. But I’m happy to share what I know from my experience and training and what I’ve gleaned from the many parenting experts I have the opportunity to learn from and that I consider colleagues and friends.

I’ll also do my best to share resources with you to dive deeper into the concepts that I talk about on these shows, including books you might want to check out, other podcasts to listen to, and anything else I can come up with to support you through this time. 

I’ll do these solocast episodes every few months and we’ll see how it goes! If you have questions that you want me to answer for future episodes, you can either fill out the podcast suggestion form on the Tilt Parenting, or you can email your question to me at debbie@tiltparenting.com.  Again, I get a lot of emails everyday, so if you write to me and you don’t hear back from me, know that I did receive it, I did read it, and I’ll do my best to answer your question on a future episode.


About Debbie Reber: Deborah Reber, MA, is a parenting activist, New York Times bestselling author, podcast host, and speaker who moved her career in a more personal direction in 2016 when she founded TiLT Parenting, a top resource for parents like her who are raising differently wired children. The TiLT Parenting Podcast has grown to be a top podcast in Kids & Family, with nearly 3 million downloads and a slate of guests that includes high-profile thought leaders across the parenting and education space. A certified Positive Discipline trainer and a regular contributor to Psychology Today and ADDitude Magazine, Debbie’s newest book is Differently Wired: Raising an Exceptional Child in a Conventional World. In November 2018, she spoke at TEDxAmsterdam, delivering a talk entitled Why the Future Will Be Differently Wired. In the summer of 2020, she co-created the Parenting in Place Masterclass series.



  • How and when and if you should tell your child what their diagnosis is
  • Strategies for handing verbally and physically aggressive outbursts, preparing for triggers, and managing our own energy in the process
  • Ideas for working through a child’s lack of motivation and learning loss due to the pandemic / remote schooling





The Bright & Quirky Child Summit is a free 5-day summit for parents and teachers where the leading psychologists and educators share the latest strategies to help bright kids thrive, even with diagnoses like ADHD, autism, learning disabilities like dyslexia, anxiety or depression. In these turbulent times, what we’re all needing right now is some expertise and QUICK WINS! Join 29 experts to learn science-informed, actionable strategies you can use right away. Begins on March 8th. Sign up for free today.




Read through the whole episode!





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