Episode 421: Bonus Conversation with Dr. Stuart Shanker on Self-Reg
Bonus Conversation with Dr. Stuart Shanker on the Brain Science behind Self-Regulation & the Impact of Stress APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHERIn today’s episode, we revisit a powerful and deeply supportive...
Episode 416: Dr. Christine Crawford on Parenting Through Mental Health Challenges
Dr. Christine Crawford on Parenting Through Mental Health Challenges APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER I know that parenting kids who are struggling with mental health challenges can sometimes feel...
Episode 412: Kim West & Macall Gordon on Navigating Sleep Struggles
Kim West and Macall Gordon on Why Kids Won’t Sleep, and What to Do About It APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER When my child was little, one of the most common sleep training methods was the "cry it out"...
Episode 410: A Conversation with Ali Miller About Nonviolent Communication
Ali Miller on Nonviolent Communication (NVC) & Navigating Couple and Co-Parenting Dynamics APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER Excited to share this conversation with Ali Miller on how nonviolent...
Episode 406: How Do I Talk With My Child About a New Autism Diagnosis?
How Do I Talk With My Child About a New Autism Diagnosis? (Listener Question) APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHER In this episode, Zach and I tackle a listener’s question: How do I talk with my child and let them know...
Episode 404: Sara Olsher on Walking Children Through Hard Seasons of Life
Sara Olsher on Walking Children Through Hard Seasons of Life APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER Everyone faces big, difficult challenges at some point in life — it's part of being human. And when we encounter...
Episode 403: Substance Use & Neurodivergent Kids, with Brenda Zane
Navigating Substance Use & Abuse in Our Kids, with Brenda Zane APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER Just as technology evolves rapidly, so do the ways drugs are consumed. For parents, it can be tough to...
Episode 398: How to Respond to a Teen’s Impulsive Behavior
How Should I Respond to My Teen's Impulsive & Disruptive Behavior? (Listener Question) APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHER In this episode, executive function coach Seth Perler and I talk about how to best respond...
Episode 394: How Can I Help My Child Be More Flexible & Less Argumentative
How Can I Help My Child Be More Flexible & Less Argumentative? (Listener Question) APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHER In this Parent Lean-In episode, I team up with educator Zach Morris to tackle a listener's...
Episode 390: How to Get More Support from a Developmental Pediatrician
How Can We Improve Communication & Get Better Support from Our Developmental Pediatrician? (Listener Question) APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHER In this conversation, parent coach and author Margaret Webb joins...
Episode 387: Dr. Ross Greene on Using CPS with Very Young Kids
Dr. Ross Greene on Using CPS (Collaborative and Proactive Solutions) with Very Young Kids APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER I refer to child psychologist and author Dr. Ross Greene’s Collaborative and...
Episode 386: Debbie Reber on Restoring, Recharging & “Me Time”
Debbie Reber on How She Restores, Recharges, and Finds "Me Time" (Parent Lean-In) APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHER In this Parent Lean-In episode, Debbie answers a listener’s question about how she restores,...
Episode 383: Kristina Kuzmic Debunks the Lies That Keep Parents Stuck
Kristina Kuzmic Debunks “Parenting Truths” That Keep Parents Stuck and in Crisis Mode APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER As parents, we want more than anything to help our kids thrive, to protect them from pain...
Episode 382: Supporting EF Challenges While Encouraging Autonomy
How Can I Scaffold a Teen With EF Challenges While Encouraging Autonomy? (Listener Question) APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHER In this episode, Debbie and Seth discuss how parents can balance the concepts from the...
Episode 381: Does Traditional Therapy Work for Neurodivergent Kids?
Dr. Megan Anna Neff and Dr. Debra Brause on the Complex Relationship Between Traditional Therapeutic Modalities and Neurodivergence APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER This episode has been a few months in the...
Episode 379: Should Our Family Move Closer to Nature?
Should We Move to Give Our Children Better Access to Nature? (Listener Question) APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHERParent coach and neurodiversity expert Zach Morris joins me to tackle a listener's question about...
Episode 377: How Can I Ethically Respond to an Aggressive Child?
How Can I Ethically Respond to an Aggressive Child? (Listener Question) APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHER In this episode, parenting coach Margaret Webb joins me to answer a listener's question about how to handle...
Episode 376: What No One Tells You About Parenting a Disabled Child
Kelley Coleman on Everything No One Tells You About Parenting a Disabled Child APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER Have you ever felt paralyzed by all the “stuff” involved in charting a path and advocating for...
TPP 375: Help! How Can We Make Family Vacations Work?
How Can We Go on Vacation When it Throws Off My Child's Need for Routine APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHER In this Parent Lean-In episode Debbie answers a listener’s question about how to travel and navigate...
Episode 373: How Can I Prepare My Child for the Transition to Middle School?
How Can I Prepare My Child for the Transition to Middle School? APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHERIn this episode featuring a listener question, executive function coach Seth Perler joins Debbie to discuss how to...
Episode 371: My Young Adult Isn’t Taking Steps to Reach His Goals
What Should I Do When My Young Adult Isn't Taking Steps to Reach His Goals? APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHERIn this episode, parent coach Zach Morris joins Debbie to discuss a question from a listener who is seeking...
Episode 369: Help! My Child Struggles with Games & Competition
Help! My Child Struggles with Games & Competition (Listener Question) t>APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHERIn this episode, parent coach Margaret Webb joins Debbie to discuss a question from a listener whose son...
Episode 368: Autum Romano on the Safe and Sound Protocol
Autum Romano on the Safe and Sound Protocol and Nervous System Regulation APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER If I told you there was a passive intervention that could help your kiddo and your family increase...
Episode 365: Dr. Alok Kanojia Explains How to Raise Healthy Gamers
Dr. Alok Kanojia on Video Game Addiction and How to Raise Healthy Gamers APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER Where is the line between healthy gaming and unhealthy gaming? How much gaming is too much? And when...
Episode 358: Dr. Maureen Petersen on Parenting a Child with Chronic Illness
Dr. Maureen Petersen on Finding Peace in Parenting a Child with Chronic Illness APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER Overwhelm, sadness, guilt, stress, and exhaustion are common experiences for parents raising...
Episode 351: Hunter Clarke-Fields on Raising Good Humans Every Day
Hunter Clarke-Fields on Mindful Parenting & Raising Good Humans APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER As Hunter Clarke-Fields explains, there are many accessible ways to practice mindfulness, even for people...
Episode 349: Thriving as a Parent with ADHD, with Elaine Taylor-Klaus
Surviving and Thriving as a Parent with ADHD, with Elaine Taylor-Klaus APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER Today we’re going to be talking about being a parent with ADHD who is parenting neurodivergent...
Episode 347: Raising a Demand Avoidant Child or Teen, with Casey Ehrlich
Raising a Demand Avoidant Child or Teen (PDA), with Casey Ehrlich APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER I’m happy to be bringing another conversation about PDA to the show, especially as awareness and...
Episode 344: Dr. Robyn Silverman Explains How To Talk to Kids About Anything
Dr. Robyn Silverman Explains How To Talk to Kids About Anything APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER I’m going to confess something with you right here and now. When it comes to having important conversations...
Episode 342: Dr. Devorah Heitner on Parenting Kids Growing Up in Public
Dr. Devorah Heitner on Parenting Kids Who Are Growing Up Online APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER This week I'm bringing back to the show my friend, colleague, and my most trusted mentor when it comes to all...
Episode 340: Meghan Ashburn & Jules Edwards on Raising Autistic Children
Meghan Ashburn and Jules Edwards on Autistic Adults, Autism Parents, and the Children Who Deserve a Better World APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER If you're listening to this podcast, my hunch is you’re...
Episode 339: Dayna Abraham on Helping Parents Calm the Chaos
Dayna Abraham on Helping Parents Calm the Chaos APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER Today I’m welcoming back Dayna Abraham to the show to discuss her latest book, Calm the Chaos: A Fail-Proof Road Map for...
Episode 338: How to Find Therapeutic Programs, with Sue Scheff
When Home Isn’t Working: How to Find Therapeutic Programs, with Sue Scheff APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER The focus of this episode is how to find the right program if / when you realize your child is in...
Episode 335: Parent Coach Amanda Diekman on Low-Demand Parenting
Parent Coach Amanda Diekman on Low-Demand Parenting & Finding Connection with Your Child APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER I got to know Amanda Diekman through her Low Demand Parenting Summit and more...
Episode 331: John Sovec on Supporting LGBTQIA+ Differently Wired Kids
John Sovec on Supporting LGBTQIA+ Differently Wired Kids APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER Today I’m delighted to be bringing to the show a conversation about supporting LGBTQIA+ kids with John Sovec, a...
Episode 324: Linda Murphy Talks About Declarative Language
A Conversation about Declarative Language and Co-Regulation, with Linda Murphy APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER For the past few years, I’ve been hearing about this concept called “declarative language,” and...
Episode 323: Sandi Lerman on School and Developmental Trauma
Sandi Lerman on School and Developmental Trauma in Neurodivergent Kids APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER Over the past few years I’ve seen the word trauma become more and more prevalent in conversations...
Episode 314: Dr. Abigail Gewirtz on Finding Hope in Challenging Times
Dr. Abigail Gewirtz on Helping Kids Find Hope & Optimism in the Most Challenging Times APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYPODBEANSTITCHERSince my guest for today’s episode, Dr. Abigail Gewirtz, was on the show just over two years...
Episode 313: Dr. Devorah Heitner on Internet “Rabbit Holes” & Online Concerns
Dr. Devorah Heitner on Online Safety, Internet “Rabbit Holes,” and Differently Wired Kids APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEANSTITCHER This episode focuses on online communities and potentially dangerous internet rabbit...
Episode 306: Laura Vanderkam on Finding Tranquility by Tuesday
Laura Vanderkam on How Parents Can Find Tranquility by Tuesday APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEAN STITCHER Would you like to have tranquility by Tuesday? My guest, author, productivity guru, and mom of 5, Laura Vanderkam,...
Episode 305: A Conversation with Dr. Stuart Shanker on Self-Regulation
What is Self-Regulation? Dr. Stuart Shanker Breaks It Down APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEAN STITCHER Ever wondered to yourself, what is self-regulation, anyway? This episode is for you. We are kicking off this season...
Episode 301: Navigating Big Transitions with Differently Wired Kids
Debbie Reber on Navigating Big Life Transitions with Differently Wired Kids APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEANSTITCHER I haven’t done a solocast in a while, but when you talk, I listen, and this topic has been requested by...
Episode 294: Zach Morris on Somatic Therapy for Processing Trauma
Zach Morris Talks About Somatic Therapy for Processing Trauma in Differently Wired Kids APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYPODBEANSTITCHERMy guest today is Zach Morris, a semi-frequent guest of this show. I always love my conversations...
Episode 290: Katie Hurley on Supporting Stressed-Out Kids and Adolescents
Katie Hurley on Supporting Stressed Out Kids and Adolescents APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEAN STITCHER Are you struggling to support a stressed out kid? This episode is for you. My guest is Katie Hurley, a child and...
Episode 287: Macall Gordon Shares Her Sleep Hacks for Differently Wired Kids
Macall Gordon Shares Sleep Hacks for Differently Wired Kids APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEANSTITCHER My guest today is Macall Gordon, a certified pediatric sleep coach with a research-based specialization in sleep...
Episode 285: Dr. Mona Delahooke on the Power of Brain-Body Parenting
Dr. Mona Delahooke on the Power of Brain-Body Parenting APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHERI had the pleasure of inviting back to the podcast Dr. Mona Delahooke to talk about her wonderful new book Brain-Body...
Episode 265: Help for Childhood Anxiety and OCD with Dr. Eli Lebowitz
Help for Childhood Anxiety and OCD with Dr. Eli Lebowitz APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEANSTITCHER This week's episode is all about getting support and help for childhood anxiety, and I’m happy to share the work of Dr....
Episode 264: Thoughts on Back-to-School in 2021, with Seth Perler
Back-to-School in 2021, with Executive Function Coach Seth Perler APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEANSTITCHER This week I'm sharing a thoughtful and practical conversation about the particular considerations for this...
Episode 262: Madeline Levine on Pandemic Parenting & Resilience
Madeline Levine, PhD on Pandemic Parenting & Resilience APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEANSTITCHER This week's episode is focused on pandemic parenting, and to talk us through it is Madeline Levine, PhD, a...
Episode 261: How to Motivate Kids & Build Their Stress Tolerance
How to Motivate Kids & Build Their Stress Tolerance, with William Stixrud and Ned Johnson APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEANSTITCHER This week I'm bringing back to the show Dr. William Stixrud and Ned Johnson for...