Episode 429: Dr. Liz Angoff on Talking with Kids About Diagnoses
Dr. Liz Angoff on Best Practices for Talking with Kids About Diagnoses APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER Picture this. You’re sitting in the neuropsych’s office after you just got your kid’s diagnosis. You’re...
Episode 360: Strengths-Based Assessments for Neurodivergent Children
Dr. Jade Rivera on the Power of Strengths-Based Assessments for Neurodivergent Children APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER If you are parenting a neurodivergent child, you probably have a lot of experience...
Episode 336: Dr. Megan Anna Neff on Diagnoses and Misdiagnoses
Dr. Megan Anna Neff on Diagnoses and Misdiagnoses (It’s Complicated!) APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER In this episode, Dr. Megan Anna Neff, a clinical psychologist specializing in the support and empowerment...
Episode 304: All About College & Differently Wired Students
College Vetting, Admissions, & Accommodations for Differently Wired Students APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYPODBEANSTITCHERThis is a special double episode all about college, specifically, how families can navigate the...
Episode 299: Dr. Jonine Nazar-Biesman on Neuropsych Evaluations
What is a Neuropsych Evaluation? Dr. Jonine Nazar-Biesman on Navigating & Learning From Assessments APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEANSTITCHER Do you have a true understanding of what a neuropsych evaluation is? I...
Episode 263: Processing Your Child’s New Diagnosis with Dr. Lynyetta Willis
Processing When a Child is Newly Diagnosed, with Dr. Lynyetta Willis APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY PODBEANSTITCHER This week I'm talking with Dr. Lynyetta Willis about navigating the journey when a child is newly diagnosed...
Episode 232: Attorney Catherine Michael on IEPs & 504s During Covid-19
In this episode we’re doing a deep dive into the subject of parental and student rights or, from another perspective, the legal obligation that schools have to provide for a child’s education, and what that means during the Covid-19 pandemic. To talk us through...
Episode 228: Inside Understood’s New Digital Tool — Take N.O.T.E.
In this episode, I'm introducing you to a new initiative from Understood.org called Take N.O.T.E.―a simple, free, step-by-step tool to help parents figure out if the struggles they’re seeing in their child might be signs of a learning and thinking difference....
Episode 168: Speech Pathologist Sherri Cawn on Communication Disorders
My guest this week is Sherri Cawn, a speech language pathologist who has specialized in the assessment and treatment of infants, toddlers, and school-aged children with developmental challenges for over 38 years. Sherri has incredible experience as well as a...
Episode 161: Dr. Devon MacEachron on “What’s Next?” After Diagnosis
This week I'm bringing back to the podcast Dr. Devon MacEachron, a New York-based psychologist specializing in assessment and educational planning for gifted and twice-exceptional learners. The last time Devon was on the show, we talked about the assessment...
Episode 89: The Truth About IEPs & Accommodations in College, with Elizabeth Hamblet
The Truth About IEPs & Accommodations in College, with Elizabeth Hamblet APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHERHave you ever wondered if your child can have an IEP and/or accommodations in college? My guest...
Episode 82: Dr. Gail Saltz Talks About the Strengths of Neurodiversity
Dr. Gail Saltz Talks About the Strengths of Neurodiversity APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHERFor this episode, I’m talking with Dr. Gail Saltz, a psychiatrist, speaker, podcaster, media commentator, and an...
Episode 74: Child Decoded — A “Manual” for Parents of Differently-Wired Kids
In this episode, I talk with Dr. Robin McEvoy, one of the co-authors of the new book Child Decoded: Unlocking Complex Issues in Your Child’s Learning, Behavior, or Attention. I’m excited to bring this …
Episode 60: Dr. Melissa Neff on the Assessment Process for Kids
Episode 60: Dr. Melissa Neff on the Assessment Process for Neurodivergent Kids APPLE PODCASTS GOOGLE PODCASTS AMAZON MUSIC IHEART RADIO AUDIBLE SPOTIFY BUZZSPROUT STITCHER In this episode, I talk with Dr. Melissa Neff, a licensed clinical psychologist in private...
Episode 55: Dr. Devon MacEachron on Supporting 2e Learners
Dr. Devon MacEachron on Supporting 2e, or Twice-Exceptional, Learners APPLE PODCASTSGOOGLE PODCASTSAMAZON MUSICIHEART RADIOAUDIBLESPOTIFYBUZZSPROUTSTITCHERIn this week's episode, I'm talking with Dr. Devon MacEachron, a clinician, researcher, author, and speaker...