In this episode, I’m introducing you to a new initiative from called Take N.O.T.E.―a simple, free, step-by-step tool to help parents figure out if the struggles they’re seeing in their child might be signs of a learning and thinking difference. Understood teamed up with the American Academy of Pediatrics to bring you vetted, expert information on various differences and disorders, tools to help observe and recognize patterns in your child’s behavior, and finally, tips to facilitate better conversations with your child, partner, teachers, and healthcare providers. 

To tell us all about it, I’m joined today by two of Understood’s resident experts and the cohosts of the In It Podcast (another fantastic offering from Understood). Amanda Morin is the senior expert in family advocacy and education for Understood, and a frequent guest of this show, and Bob Cunningham is the executive director of learning development, as well a nationally known education leader. In this conversation, Amanda and Bob tell us all about Take N.O.T.E.: how to use it, why it was created, what makes it such a unique and powerful tool for parents and caregivers, and more. Spread the word, because if this is something you could have used, no doubt there is someone in your life who could use it now. 


About Amanda: Amanda Morin is a speaker, author, host of the “In It” podcast, former classroom teacher and early intervention specialist, mom, and all-around Wearer of Many Hats. She also serves as a writer and Senior Expert in Family Advocacy and Education for Understood, where she teaches about using empathy as a tool to understand difference and embrace inclusion.

Amanda is the author of four books, including the newly-released What Is Empathy? A Bullying Storybook for Kids, The Everything Parent’s Guide to Special Education, The Everything Kids’ Learning Activities Book and On-the-Go Fun for Kids! She lives in coastal Maine with her family.


About Bob: Bob Cunningham, EdM, is a nationally known education leader whose career has focused on students who learn and think differently. He serves as executive director of learning development at Understood, where he is a founding expert on learning and attention differences. Previously, Cunningham was executive director for both the Robert Louis Stevenson School and the Purnell School, and head of school for the Gateway School. Throughout his career, he has consulted with schools, organizations, and families on matters related to the education of diverse learners. He has also worked as a teacher, evaluator, and administrator in several public school districts.

Cunningham has served as a trustee, advisor, or professional advisory board member for organizations such as the National Center for Learning Disabilities, the Reimagine Learning Fund at New Profit Inc., the NVLD Project, the Purnell School, the Meeting House program, the Ideal School, and the Gateway School of Mumbai



  • What Take N.O.T.E. is and how it came about
  • Why Take N.O.T.E. is particularly relevant during the Covid-19 pandemic
  • How parents can engage with the Take N.O.T.E. website and what they can expect to get out of it
  • What is meant by the acronym: Notice, Observe, Talk, Engage
  • What teaming up with the American Academy of Pediatrics means for parents and healthcare providers
  • Helpful ways to engage with healthcare providers and how Take N.O.T.E. can facilitate better conversations
  • How the Tilt community can support this initiative



  • Micki Boas (author of One in Five: Fighting for Our Dyslexic Kids)




Read through the whole episode!





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