This week I’m talking with speaker, author, educator, and family coach Janet Allison about the emotional lives of boys. Janet is the founder of Boys Alive!, and the co-host of podcast On Boys, and for more than 20 years has been on a mission to empower parents and teachers to raise boys to be confident, caring, and capable men. 

In our conversation we talk about the ways that learning, communication, and emotional expression might be different for boys, why schools are failing boys, and what you can do to meet your boy’s deeply human need for connection. 


About Janet: Janet Allison is the Founder & CEO of Boys Alive! and the co-host of the popular ON BOYS Parenting Podcast. With a B.S. in Elementary Education, she is a speaker, author, educator, and family coach. She is a featured on-air parenting expert. She has been advocating for boys and supporting those who parent, teach, and care for them for over 20 years. She is a dynamic, inclusive, and inspiring presenter, blending real-life stories with scientific research so that audiences are motivated to take on the critical task of our time: raising confident, capable, caring men.



  • How Janet became interested in advocating and supporting the needs of boys
  • What parents and teachers need to know about the emotional lives of boys, and the differences in how they communicate and learn
  • Why anger is often the go-to emotion for boys and how to deal with it
  • How to understand other common behavior challenges with boys
  • How Janet’s work is evolving with the growing expansion and understanding of gender identity 
  • Janet’s advice for parents, caregivers, and teachers





Mightier’s clinically proven program (developed by Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School)applies fun video game play and practice to help children better manage their emotions for happier healthier lives. Mightier is designed to work with all families right at home And it works! 95% of parents report a positive behavior change within 3 months. Loved by Kids, Trusted by Parents, Developed by Clinicians. Learn more at


Read through the whole episode!





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