Last night, I participated in an important webinar (March 15, 2020) all about parenting in the age of coronavirus. The webinar got put together pretty quickly…yesterday early afternoon I was on a call with Julie Lythcott-Haims, author of How to Raise an Adult, and Katherine Reynolds Lewis, author of The Good News About Bad Behavior, and Julie brought up the idea pulling together some brilliant experts and doing a live webinar to help families struggling with their tweens, teens or college student who says social distancing = social doom.
Five hours after that call, we were live with Dr. Cara Natterson, a pediatrician and the author of many books including Decoding Boys and The Care and Keeping of You series by American Girl, psychotherapist Lori Gottlieb, the author of Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, and Dr. Tina Payne Bryson, who many of you know as the co-author of many books we hold near and dear like The Whole Brain Child, The Yes Brain, and The Power of Showing Up, which she co-wrote with Dr. Dan Siegel.
Julie, Katherine, Cara, Lori, and Tina shared a lot of very current, relevant insights about how we can and should keep our families safe, how to do social distancing with kids, especially older teens who may feel invincible, and so much more.
What you’re about to hear is the audio file from that webinar. As college students head home from campus and school-age children lobby for playdates, how can parents hold the line when it comes to recommended social distancing? Is there such a thing as a reasonable playdate? What steps jeopardize your household or the country? How many days can any of us expect to hold out against a whiny, cooped-up tween? (See resource links below.) The panelists offered practical advice to parents about what to say to children of all ages to explain the risks, the family’s need for safety, and our responsibility as members of the community.
Please note that the quality isn’t as clean as a typical episode because everyone was on the call from their respective homes, but the content is critical. We may do this again in the next week or two, depending on what’s happening in the world.
Julie Lythcott-Haims: julielythcotthaims.com/
Dr. Cara Natterson: worryproofmd.com/
Lori Gottlieb: lorigottlieb.com/
Tina Payne Bryson: tinabryson.com/
Katherine Reynolds Lewis: katherinerlewis.com/
Debbie Reber: debbiereber.com/
The Daily Podcast on confronting a pandemic (The Daily / New York Times)
When a danger is growing exponentially, everything looks fine until it doesn’t (Washington Post
Workers at greatest risk of coronavirus (note: cashiers, waiters, hairdressers, fast food servers) (New York Times)
How to “flatten the curve” (Washington Post)
This is not a snow day (Medium)
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