This episode of the podcast features a conversation with Julie Lieberman Neale, a life and leadership coach, the founder of the Mother’s Quest podcast and community, and the mother of two differently-wired boys. I brought Julie onto the show as part of my desire to share the voices and experiences of more parents in the trenches. I appreciate Julie’s openness in talking about the ways her journey with her sons, especially her older son Ryan who’s now thirteen, have challenged her and ultimately shaped who she is as a woman who is now looking to step into her life more fully — to live what she calls an E.P.I.C. life, and support and encourage other mothers in doing the same thing.
In our honest and open conversation, Julie shares how she has embraced who her children are, how they’ve handled the issue of diagnoses and labels, and her big why for creating Mother’s Quest.
About Julie: After a 20-year career as a leader in youth-serving non-profit organizations, Julie Neale turned her focus to coaching, training at the Coaches Training Institute, and facilitating a process known as “reflection” for youth development professionals. She launched her “for-purpose” venture, Mother’s Quest, in 2016 to provide inspiration, coaching and community so other mothers can live their E.P.I.C. lives. Listen to Julie’s podcast and join the Mother’s Quest community here.
- How Julie realized she could be a better parent when she was pursuing the most passionate, engaged part of herself
- How Julie has been working through being enmeshed with Ryan
- Julie’s approach to talking about labels and diagnoses with her children, as well as how they shared their son’s diagnosis with him
- Why Julie created the Mother’s Quest movement and podcast
- Why Julie is passionate about helping women live their E.P.I.C. lives